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Clienti | Fiscont SRL Onesti


PROT & GUARD Onesti – servicii de paza si protectie a bunurilor si persoanelor

Grup SERBAN Filipesti – Morarit, panificatie, agricultura si ferma avicola

Grup ROGER Onesti – abator porcine si bovine, fabrica mezeluri, magazine alimentare

Grup DA BACCO Casin – infiintare plantatii viticole

SC SEPHARD CASA SRL Onesti – distributie materiale de constructii

SC DANPROD SRL Tg. Ocna – productie tamplarie lemn

SC EMICA IMPEX SRL – agentie de turism, spalatorie auto, camping

SC Data Tech SRL Onesti – vanzari si intretinere calculatoare, provider internet

SC PMV Distribution SRL Oituz – distributie materiale de constructii

SC ROSID PROD SRL Moinesti – panificatie si agroturism

SC TCN GRUP SRL Onesti – intermedieri profile

SC FIP CONSULTNG SRL Onesti – consultanta fonduri europene

SC USMAN CONSULT SRL Onesti – prestari servicii mecanica